Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Final Rose

Well the season finale of the Bachelor aired last night. The co-pilot for Jake ended up being Vienna. A lot of people that I know are not too thrilled about his decision. I would say that in the beginning I didn’t like her, but I think it is because she was the villain and no one else liked her. I also read a lot of nasty things about her in magazines not too long ago and it just gave me this uneasy feeling in my stomach about her. But watching her and Jake together on the show and on their dates, I figure hey why not, they are both a little weird and goofy together, they must have a lot of fun. The only thing I don’t like about her for Jake is that she is a bit young and has already been married (which only lasted about a year or a little more). She is only about 23 years old and I just think she is still a little too immature to start settling down and starting a family with Jake. But I guess I don’t know her that well, but again these are just my thoughts and opinions about her.
I figured I would just do a little recap of their little love affair throughout the show. During the show Vienna was always in the middle of drama. I don’t know if she necessarily wanted to be in the middle of it all, but she was. And the only drama she was ever in was with the other girls. I don’t know If the other girls just didn’t like her because maybe they saw her as a threat or that Vienna actually did something hurtful to them. Whatever the case, I honestly think they were just jealous (which they should have been, obviously she got the man in the end). I just hope Jake really did make the right decision, even though I don’t hate that Jake picked Vienna, I still feel like she is going to screw him over in the long run.
On a side note there will be a new bachelorette, and that is going to be Ali from this previous season. This time she actually got the approval to go on the show for an extended period of time!

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