Monday, March 15, 2010

People and Peoples Revolution

The biggest problem in Peoples Revolution isn’t Kelly, it is the fact that they are very under staffed and that their clients haven’t been paying and she can’t really hire any more people. Since I have been watching this show I have grown to like Kelly, she is not as mean as people think she is. She is just a hard worker and likes to get things done her way. I think she really does care about her employees and she does want the best for them. During this episode you see Kelly and two other of the head staff went out to dinner and it just looks like they get along well and have a good time. We also got to see Andrew (Kelly’s Assistant) go out and have some fun with his friends. The only problem people have with him is that he leaves early and still wants to have a social life. More power to him, he should be able to go home at 9 p.m and have a good time, unlike Stephanie, that girl is going to work herself to death; she needs to learn to relax. One of the assistants (who was assistant to Robyn) had to go to California for a wedding and that is where he is originally from, and well, he never made it back. He quit over the weekend while he was there. I personally think that is very unprofessional. He could have gave them at least two weeks notice, because honestly they don’t have time to go out and hire someone and then train them, it overall hurt the company. But on the other hand Robyn was rude to him and didn’t treat him with respect, I would have quit too.

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