Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lori, 16 and Pregnant

This episode of 16 and Pregnant was a very difficult one. Lori is a 17 year old who lives with her adoptive parents and attends an all girls catholic school in Northern Kentucky. Her and her baby daddy have been broken up for about a year but still remain friends. Since her parents are really religious they were shocked she got pregnant, and ultimately wanted her to give her baby up for adoption. The whole time they were pushing adoption while she was pregnant, but Lori and the dad had different ideas. A family friend gave up her kid for an adoption to a very good couple and they were thinking of adoption again. Lori had met the family and planned on giving the baby to them, but two weeks before they decided they weren’t going to be ready for a newborn baby. Lori was devastated. The dad began to have different thoughts about adoption and had the mindset that they would be able to take care of the baby. Lori’s parents were not going to give them any help if she were to keep the baby, so she needed to give the baby up. They finally decided on adoption and found a couple that would do open adoption. At the hospital it was pretty emotional because she had to give the baby up. I think that this decision was the best decision for them; there was no way they would be able to provide for that baby. I just hope they are able to keep in touch with the family throughout the years when the baby is growing up.

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